- Duly signed admission form shall be submitted along with an attested copy of Birth certificate, Transfer Certificate and copy of Aadhar Card.
- Fee can be paid either in 2 installments or in 4 installments, 1st installment shall be paid in the month of May, the 2nd installment on or before August 10th, the third installment on or before 10th November and the fourth installment on or before 10th of February.
- Bouncing charges of Rs.250 will be levied on bouncing Installments.
Withdrawal of Child and Issue of T. C.
- . A notice must be given in writing before a child is withdrawn from school or a month's fee paid in lieu on notice.
- To withdraw T. C. one week prior notice should be given to the principal, if T. C. applied after the child abstains from school for long periods of time without notice in writing then for the said period shall/ be charged along with fine.
Report Cards
- Report Cards to be collected by Parents / Guardians (if name is registered) only, not be a 3rd person or tuition teacher.
- The school authorities has all the rights reserved to alter revise or evoke any rule or rules as when deemed fit as per the guidelines